
Begomoviruses on two chili types in Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia: variation of symptom severity assessment and DNA-betasatellite identification
Muhammad Taufik, Muhammad Zamrun Firihu, Asmar Hasan, Gusnawaty HS, Viska Inda Variani, Syair, Muhammad Botek
Abstract views: 617 PDF downloads: 637

1-9 Pages

Detection of the presence of bacteria causing grain rot disease (Burkholderia glumae) in some rice seed producers in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Abdul Rahman, Rahmat Jahuddin, Andi Khusnul Fatima Bahar, Ahmad Yani, Baharuddin Patandjengi
Abstract views: 427 PDF downloads: 427

10-16 Pages

Response of five shallot varieties applied with Bacillus spp. against twisted disease
Annisa Hasta Pratiwi, Arif Wibowo, Tri Joko, Ani Widiastuti, Siti Subandiyah
Abstract views: 356 PDF downloads: 300

17-27 Pages

Enrichment of organic material with Trichoderma asperellum for the management of twisted disease on shallot
Hurin Nabila Aghnia Ilma, Arif Wibowo, Tri Joko, Siti Subandiyah, Stephen Harper
Abstract views: 301 PDF downloads: 291

28-37 Pages

Infestation of Spodoptera frugiperda on corn in Bengkulu at different elevations
Sempurna Ginting, Mohammad Chozin, Sigit Sudjatmiko
Abstract views: 302 PDF downloads: 246

38-47 Pages

Molecular characterization of Rice ragged stunt virus and Rice grassy stunt virus on Rice in Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia
Listihani, Dewa Gede Wiryangga Selangga, Ketut Ayu Yuliadhi, I Gusti Ayu Diah Yuniti, Putu Eka Pasmidi Ariati
Abstract views: 452 PDF downloads: 283

48-57 Pages

The efficacy of botanical pesticides in controlling coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari, 1867) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): A meta-analysis
Siti Khodijah, Renny Tri Anggraini, Eko Andrianto, Puji Lestari, Auliana Afandi
Abstract views: 379 PDF downloads: 249 PDF downloads: 49
The endophytic potential, Bacillus spp. for controlling Meloidogyne sp. and increasing tomato growth and production
Winarto, Yulmira Yanti, Hasmiandy Hamid, Yaherwandi
Abstract views: 246 PDF downloads: 237

66-74 Pages

Antifungal evaluation of turmeric rhizome extract against Colletotrichum capsici, the causal agent of anthracnose on red-chili peppers (Capsicum annuum L.)
Hasriadi Mat Akin, Desma Anggraini, Lestari Wibowo, Joko Prasetyo, Radix Suharjo
Abstract views: 360 PDF downloads: 77

75-81 Pages

Biochemical changes in some banana cultivars infected by Banana bunchy top virus
Ruth Feti Rahayuniati, Ruly Eko Kusuma Kurniawan, Nurtiati
Abstract views: 348 PDF downloads: 216

82-90 Pages

Population dynamic and pheromone use for early monitoring of Spodoptera exigua Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Indonesia
Witjaksono, Y. Andi Trisyono, Heru Rezki Tanjung, Zulfa Azzahra
Abstract views: 267 PDF downloads: 178

91-97 Pages

The population dynamics of Spodoptera frugiperda after its invasion in Lampung Province, Indonesia
Puji Lestari, I Gede Swibawa, Yuyun Fitriana, Radix Suharjo, Setyo Dwi Utomo, Maman Hartaman
Abstract views: 506 PDF downloads: 62 PDF downloads: 190

98-108 Pages

The changes of chili leaf structure by Geminivirus infection
Muhammad Taufik, Muhammad Zamrun Firihu, Gusnawati HS, Viska Inda Variani, Asmar Hasan, Muhammad Botek, Eka Fatmawati Tihurua, Tri Yuni Indah Wulansari
Abstract views: 635 PDF downloads: 385

109-119 Pages

Molecular identification of Trichoderma sp. Margodadi isolate and its potential against Phytophthora capsici causing foot rot of black pepper
Joko Prasetyo, Nur Baitullah Juniar, Rusdi Evizal, Tri Maryono, Cipta Ginting
Abstract views: 466 PDF downloads: 207

128-138 Pages