Recombinant antibody production by cloning of Pepper yellow leaf curl Indonesia virus (PepYLCIV) coat protein gene
Abstract views: 644
PDF downloads: 560
1-13 Pages
The effect of methyl eugenol from Ocimum minimum on the sticky trap to the direction and daily activity of fruit flies (Bactrocera spp.)
Abstract views: 615
PDF downloads: 586
16-22 Pages
Field assessment of the potentials of some plant-derived insecticide against damage caused by Leucinodes orbonalis on eggplant (Solanum gilo) at Umudike, Nigeria
Abstract views: 495
PDF downloads: 470
23-32 Pages
Abundance of arthropod in the various intensity of pesticide applied on shallots crop Local Palu
Abstract views: 409
PDF downloads: 365
33-40 Pages
Response of soybean lines to Soybean mosaic virus under drought stress
Abstract views: 363
PDF downloads: 303
41-47 Pages
Distribution and molecular characterization of Squash mosaic virus on cucumber in Gianyar, Bali
Abstract views: 729
PDF downloads: 626
48-54 Pages
Screening of Trichoderma spp. isolates based on antagonism and chitinolytic index against Xylaria sp.
Abstract views: 585
PDF downloads: 760
55-67 Pages
The effect of biopesticide and combined fertilization in promoting plant health and growth of tomato cultivated on peat soil in West Kalimantan
Abstract views: 398
PDF downloads: 1338
68-76 Pages
First report of Banana bunchy top virus on heliconia (Heliconia spp.) in Bali, Indonesia
Abstract views: 513
PDF downloads: 509
77-82 Pages
The attack of Etiela zinckenella Treitschke on soybean varieties
Abstract views: 533
PDF downloads: 459
83-89 Pages