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Desma Anggraini, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Lampung. Jl. Prof. Soemantri Brojonegoro 1, Lampung, Indonesia 35145.
Lestari Wibowo, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Lampung. Jl. Prof. Soemantri Brojonegoro 1, Lampung, Indonesia 35145.
Meliyana, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Dramaga, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 16680
Suwandi, Plant Protection Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya, Jl. Palembang-Prabumulih KM. 32 Indralaya, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia 30662
Udeme Etim Jonah, Department of Plant Health Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, P.M.B. 7267 Umuahia, Abia State Nigeria
Afandi, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Lampung
Arif Wibowo, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl. Flora No.1 Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281.
David Nwazuo Enyiukwu, Department of Plant Health Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, P.M.B. 7267 Umuahia, Abia State Nigeria
Diny Dinarti, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Dramaga, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 16680
F.X. Susilo, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. Jl. Prof. Soemantri Brodjonegoro No. 1, Lampung, Indonesia 35145.
Giyanto, Departmen of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia 16680.
Gusnawaty HS, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Jl. H.E.A. Mokodompit, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia 93231.
Haryuni , Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tunas Pembangunan, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia 57139.
Hasriadi Mat Akin, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Lampung. Jl. Prof. Soemantri Brojonegoro 1, Lampung, Indonesia 35145.
Heru Rezki Tanjung, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Flora No. 1, Bulaksumur, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281.
Hurin Nabila Aghnia Ilma, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl. Flora No.1 Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281.
I Gusti Ayu Diah Yuniti, Study Program of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture and Business, Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Denpasar, Bali 80233.
Joko Prasetyo, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Lampung. Jl. Prof. Soemantri Brojonegoro 1, Lampung, Indonesia 35145.
Kikin Hamzah Mutaqin, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. Jl. Kamper, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor, Indonesia 16680
Kingsley Chidi Emeasor, Department of Plant Health Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, P.M.B. 7267 Umuahia, Abia State Nigeria
Lailaturrahmi, Plant Protection Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya, Jl. Palembang-Prabumulih KM. 32 Indralaya, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia 30662
Listihani, Study Program of Agroecotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali 80234.
Masanto, Tanjung Priok Agricultural Quarantine Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia
Meity Suradji Sinaga, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. Jl. Kamper, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor, Indonesia 16680
Muhammad Botek, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Jl. H.E.A. Mokodompit, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia 93231.
Nurmujahidin, Department of Plant Pest and Disease, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University. Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No. KM.10 Tamalanrea Indah, Makassar, Indonesia 90245
Nurtiati, Laboratory of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Jl. Dr. Suparno, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia 53122.
Ponijan, UPTD Unit of Food Crops and Horticulture Protection Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia 35132
Priyatiningsih, Study Program of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu
Pudjianto, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. Jl. Kamper, Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor, West Java, Indonesia 16680
Purnomo, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. Jl. Prof. Soemantri Brodjonegoro No. 1, Lampung, Indonesia 35145.
Radix Suharjo, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Lampung. Jl. Prof. Soemantri Brojonegoro 1, Lampung, Indonesia 35145.
Rakhmiati, Agricultural College of Dharma Wacana Metro, Lampung, Indonesia 34121
Ratnawati, Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Alkhairaat University
Refa Yulianingsih, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Dramaga, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 16680
Ruly Eko Kusuma Kurniawan, Laboratory of Soil Science and Land Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Jl. Dr. Suparno, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia 53122.
Ruth Feti Rahayuniati, Laboratory of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Jl. Dr. Suparno, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia 53122.
Sari Nurulita, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Dramaga, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 16680
Sipriyadi, Study Program of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bengkulu
Siti Subandiyah, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl. Flora No.1 Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281.
Sobir, Center for Tropical Horticulture, IPB University, Kampus IPB Baranangsiang, Jl Raya Pajajaran Bogor, West Java, Indonesia 16141.
Solikhin, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. Jl. Prof. Soemantri Brodjonegoro No. 1, Lampung, Indonesia 35145.
Stephen Harper, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Faculty of Science, The University of Queensland, Gatton, Queensland, Australia 3434.
Supriadi, Research Center for Horticultural and Estate Crops, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, National Research and Innovation Agency, Cibinong Science Center, Jl. Raya Jakarta - Bogor, Cibinong Kabupaten Bogor, Indonesia 16915
Syahri, Research Center for Food Crops, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Cibinong Science Center, Bogor, Indonesia 16911.
Syair, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Halu Oleo University Jl. H.E.A. Mokodompit, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia 93231.
Tri Joko, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl. Flora No.1 Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281.
Unun Triasih, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, Research Center for Horticultural and Estate Crops, National Research and Innovation Agency. Cibinong Science Center, Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 16915
Viska Inda Variani, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Halu Oleo University Jl. H.E.A. Mokodompit, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia 93231.
Widodo, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. Jl. Kamper, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor, Indonesia 16680
Winarto, Plant Protection Departement, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Andalas, Padang, West Sumatra, 25163 Indonesia.
Witjaksono, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Flora No. 1, Bulaksumur, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281.
Y. Andi Trisyono, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Flora No. 1, Bulaksumur, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281.
Yaherwandi, Plant Protection Departement, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Andalas, Padang, West Sumatra, 25163 Indonesia.
Zulfa Azzahra, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Flora No. 1, Bulaksumur, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281.
Zulkarnaen, Agricultural College of Dharma Wacana Metro, Lampung, Indonesia 34121