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Larasati Puspita Saridewi
Nur Prihatiningsih
Heru Adi Djatmiko


Characterization of eggplant endophyte bacteria and rhizobacteria as well as their antagonistic ability against Ralstonia
solanacearum. Bacterial wilt caused by Ralsonia solanacearum is one of important diseases causing severe loses in eggplant
production. Various strategies were used to manage bacterial wilt, including planting resistant varieties, soil amandement, and
soil solarization. However, management of R. solanacearum in eggplant by using endophytic bacteria and rhizobacteria were
not been done that much. The objective of this study was to: (1) characterization of endophytic and rhizobacteria; (2)
determines the inhibition ability of endophytic and rhizobacteria isolates against R. solanacearum pathogen on eggplant. The
laboratory experiment was arranged in completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 5 replications. The double layer
method using yeast peptone glucose agar (YPGA) medium was used in vitro test. Based on the morphological characteristics
these isolates were suspected as a member of genus Bacillus. Among the isolates used in this study, TK isolate showed the
best capability to inhibit growth of R. solanacearum.

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How to Cite
Saridewi, L. P.; Prihatiningsih, N.; Djatmiko, H. A. CHARACTERIZATION OF EGGPLANT ENDOPHYTE BACTERIA AND RHIZOBACTERIA AS WELL AS THEIR ANTAGONISTIC ABILITY AGAINST Ralstonia Solanacearum. J Trop Plant Pests Dis 2020, 20, 150-156.



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