KURNIAWATI, F. .; HIDAYAT, S. H. .; TONDOK, E. T. .; SYAFUTRA, H. .; SUPRAMANA, S. Description of the morphology, morphometric, and molecular of Aphelenchoides fragariae (Aphelenchida: Aphelenchoididae) causing crimp disease of strawberry in Indonesia. Jurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika, [S. l.], v. 25, n. 1, p. 9–16, 2025. DOI: 10.23960/jhptt.1259-16. Disponível em: https://jhpttropika.fp.unila.ac.id/index.php/jhpttropika/article/view/924. Acesso em: 10 feb. 2025.